#Anna tannenberg series#
Regime Legitimation Strategies (RLS) 1900 to 2018, V-Dem Working Paper Series No. Tannenberg, Marcus, Bernhard, Michael, Gerschewski, Johannes and Von Soest, Christian. The relevance of social policies for democracy: preventing autocratisation through synergies between SDG 10 and SDG 16. Leininger, Julia, Lührmann, Anna and Rachel Sigman. Democracy and Populism: Testing a Contentious Relationship, V-Dem Working Paper Series No. Ruth-Lovell, Saskia P., Anna Lührmann and Sandra Grahn. Civil Society and Post-Independence Democracy Levels, V-Dem Working Paper Series No.94. Populism, Nationalism and Illiberalism: A Challenge for Democracy and Civil Society. Successful and Failed Episodes of Democratization: Conceptualization, Identification, and Description. Maerz, Anna Lührmann, Patrik Lindenfors, Amanda B. Wilson, Matthew C., Richard Morgan, Juraj Medzihorsky, Laura Maxwell, Seraphine F. Public Trust in Manipulated Elections: The Role of Election Administration and Media Freedom. How much Backsliding? Journal of Democracy 28 (4), 162-169. Mechkova, Valeriya, Anna Lührmann and Staffan I. Politics and Governance 6(1) ( OPEN ACCESS). Regimes of the World (RoW): Opening New Avenues for the Comparative Study of Political Regimes. Lührmann, Anna, Tannenberg, Markus, Lindberg, Staffan I. State of the World 2017: Autocratization and Exclusion? Democratization 25 (8), 1321-1340. Lührmann, Anna, Valeriya Mechkova, Sirianne Dahlum, Laura Maxwell, Moa Ohlin, Constanza Sanhuza Petrarca, Rachel Sigman, Matthew Wilson and Staffan I.

Studies in Comparative International Development 54(1), 40–70 ( OPEN ACCESS). The Accountability Sequence: From De-jure to De-facto Constraints on Governments. United Nations’ Electoral Assistance: More than a Fig Leaf? International Political Science Review 40(2), 181-196. State of the world 2018: democracy facing global challenges. Lührmann, Anna, Sandra Grahn, Richard Morgan, Shreeya Pillai and Staffan I. A Third Wave of Autocratization is Here: What is New About It? Democratization 26 (7), 1095-1113. State of the World 2019: Autocratization Surges, Resistance Grows. Maerz, Seraphine, Lührmann, Anna, Sandra Grahn, Sebastian Hellmeier, and Staffan I. Claiming the right to rule: regime legitimation strategies from 1900 to 2019. Tannenberg, Marcus, Michael Bernhard, Johannes Gerschewski, Anna Lührmann, Christian von Soest 2020. Autocratization by Decree: States of Emergency and Democratic Decline.

Constraining Governments: New Indices of Vertical, Horizontal and Diagonal Accountability.

Lührmann, Anna, Kyle Marquardt and Valeriya Mechkova. I served as a consultant for UNDP, the World Bank, USAID and others. My award-winning research has been published among others in the American Political Science Review, Democratization, Journal of Democracy, Electoral Studies and International Political Science Review.įrom 2018-2020 I was V-Dem’s Deputy Director and led a number of outreach, policy and fundraising activities, and contributed to the administration of the institute and our flagship dataset. My research interests are autocratization/democratic backsliding, democratization, elections, autocracies, regime legitimacy, democracy aid and the United Nations. in Political Sciences from FernUniversität Hagen (Germany). degree in Gender and Peace Studies from Ahfad University (Sudan) and a B.A. degree in “Research Training in Social Sciences” from Humboldt University (Berlin), a M.Sc. I received my PhD in 2015 from Humboldt University (Berlin) with a thesis on United Nation’s electoral assistance.

Prior to turning to academia, I was a Member of Parliament in the German National Parliament (Bundestag 2002- 2009) and later worked in Sudan for two years. Up until 2021, I was as an Assistant Professor at the Varieties of Democracy Institute of Gothenburg, Sweden and Senior Research Fellow at the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Institute.